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Symptoms of Diabetes

Cleveland Clinic infographic showing the symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes and Older Adults

More than 25% of Canadians aged 65 and older have diabetes. Older adults with diabetes face significant risks for both acute and chronic complications related to the disease.

Canadian Diabetes Risk Online Questionnaire

Are you at risk of having pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes? The Canadian Public Health Agency has designed a short online diabetes risk questionnaire to help you find out.

Snapshot of Diabetes in Canada, 2023 Infographic

Canadian Government statistics on the occurence of different types of diabetes, complications and prevention.

Dehydration in Older Adults

Adults who are not properly hydrated may age more quickly and face a higher risk of chronic diseases, such as lung disease, heart failure, diabetes, and stroke.

Physical Activity Benefits for Older Adults

A single session of moderate to vigorous physical activity offers immediate health benefits and helps prevent chronic diseases when done regularly.

Mayo Clinic: What's the skinny on weight-loss drugs?

Mayo Clinic experts say there is a new tool to help in the battle against obesity, a prescription medication that can curb your appetite.

Aging in Canada - Canadian Resources for Older Adults

Nice has compiled an online library of resources and information tools on Aging in Canada. Topics: caregiving, mental health, finance, legal, elder abuse, physical health & addiction.

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