Healthy Aging Tips (2025)
Information Tools
Aging in Canada
Manitoba Resources for Older Adults
> Manitoba
NICE has created a resource library for older adults in
, which consists of NICE
Information Tools
and curated links to external web pages, infographics, reports and videos.
End of Life
Elder Abuse
Mental Health
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Senior Community Resource Councils in Manitoba
NICE Information Tool
Seniors Community Resource Councils are nonprofit community based organizations located throughout Manitoba
Senior Community Resource Councils in Manitoba
Seniors Community Resource Councils are nonprofit community based organizations located throughout Manitoba
Manitoba Consumer Education for Seniors
NICE Information Tool
Manitoba Financial Literacy Resource Website for Seniors.
Manitoba Consumer Education for Seniors
Manitoba Financial Literacy Resource Website for Seniors.
Manitoba Seniors' School Tax Rebate
NICE Information Tool
The Rebate calculation is based on the total of residential school taxes assessed net of the Basic and Seniors Education Property Tax Credit received or receivable
Manitoba Seniors' School Tax Rebate
The Rebate calculation is based on the total of residential school taxes assessed net of the Basic and Seniors Education Property Tax Credit received or receivable
Manitoba Seniors and Long-Term Care
NICE Information Tool
Seniors and Long-Term Care is a department within the Government of Manitoba.
Manitoba Seniors and Long-Term Care
Seniors and Long-Term Care is a department within the Government of Manitoba.
Medical Assistance in Dying - MAiD Manitoba
NICE Information Tool
Medical assistance in dying occurs when an authorized health practitioner provides or administers medication that intentionally brings about a patient’s death, at that patient’s request. This procedure is only available to eligible individuals.
Medical Assistance in Dying - MAiD Manitoba
Medical assistance in dying occurs when an authorized health practitioner provides or administers medication that intentionally brings about a patient’s death, at that patient’s request. This procedure is only available to eligible individuals.
Palliative Care - Manitoba
NICE Information Tool
Palliative or end-of-life care is an approach to care that improves the quality of living and dying for the patient and their families.
Palliative Care - Manitoba
Palliative or end-of-life care is an approach to care that improves the quality of living and dying for the patient and their families.
Mental Health
Manitoba Mental Health & Wellness Resource Finder
NICE Information Tool
The Manitoba Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder provides mental health, wellness and addictions supports & resources.
Manitoba Mental Health & Wellness Resource Finder
The Manitoba Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder provides mental health, wellness and addictions supports & resources.
Capacity and Consent - Manitoba
NICE Information Tool
As a Manitoba citizen you have the right to accept or refuse medical treatment at any time.
Capacity and Consent - Manitoba
As a Manitoba citizen you have the right to accept or refuse medical treatment at any time.
Elder Abuse
Manitoba Elder Abuse Resources
NICE Information Tool
Province of Manitoba Elder Abuse Resource web page. Including How to Report.
Manitoba Elder Abuse Resources
Province of Manitoba Elder Abuse Resource web page. Including How to Report.
Safety, Security & Legal Matters for the Elderly in Manitoba
NICE Information Tool
Knowing about the resources and tools available to plan for emergencies, recognize signs of elder abuse, or take care of financial and legal matters can help improve your personal safety and quality of life, as well as help those around you.
Safety, Security & Legal Matters for the Elderly in Manitoba
Knowing about the resources and tools available to plan for emergencies, recognize signs of elder abuse, or take care of financial and legal matters can help improve your personal safety and quality of life, as well as help those around you.
NICE Online Resources
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Resources by Topic
Financial Literacy
Legal Issues
Mental Health
Physical Health
Chronic Diseases
End of Life
Elder Abuse
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