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Capacity and Consent

Consent and Capacity are two central tenets in modern medicine and critical to patient autonomy, the respect for personal dignity,

Capacity and Consent - Saskatchewan

ARCHIVE - This policy is based upon two principles: 1. Physicians are required to provide patients with relevant information in order to allow their patient to decide whether they will agree to a proposed treatment; and 2. Patients who have the capacity to consent will exercise their autonomy by making informed decisions about their health care. Obtaining informed consent before providing treatment is an ethical requirement:

Capacity and Consent - Alberta

A capacity assessment is done to see if an adult can make personal or financial decisions and can understand the consequences.

Capacity and Consent - Quebec

According to the Civil Code of Québec, every person is presumed capable of consenting to the care offered to them, whether or not they are under tutorship or their protection mandate has been homologated.

Capacity and Consent - Yukon

CARE CONSENT ACT - Schedule B of SY 2003, c. 21

Capacity and Consent - Manitoba

As a Manitoba citizen you have the right to accept or refuse medical treatment at any time.

Capacity and Consent - BC

Before an adult is admitted into a care facility, it is required by law that consent is obtained for their admission. An adult may be incapable of giving or refusing consent because they are unable to understand the information they are provided to make the decision.

Capacity and Consent - Ontario

Learn about mental capacity, how it is evaluated, who evaluates it and how to appeal a finding of incapacity.

Capacity and Consent - New Brunswick

This aging strategy is an action-oriented plan designed to create a sustainable system and to respond to the challenges associated with our aging population.

Understanding Consent and Capacity Rules in Canada - Toolkit

The laws governing decision-making are specific to each province and territory throughout Canada. While there are many similarities across the country, there are also some key differences.

Responding to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Mental Capacity and Consent

The law says that all adults have mental capacity unless otherwise established. The ability to make one’s own decisions is a fundamental human right and the loss of this right can be devastating.

Legal Resources for the Elderly in Canada

Nice has compiled a list of online legal resources and information tools for the Care of the Elderly in Canada.

Admission to Long-Term Care Homes: Legal Issues

Presenter: Jane E. Meadus, Staff Lawyer & Institutional Advocate, The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly

Legal Information for Ontario Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren

Many grandparents in Ontario are raising their grandchildren. If you have taken on this important task, you are entitled to some assistance. This NICE Tool provides legal information and a list of resources that may help you.

NL - The Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy Tool

Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives another person the power, or right, to make decisions for you. The person you authorize to make decisions for you is called the attorney.

Health Care Consent & Advance Care Planning

The Health Care Consent Act (HCCA) requires all regulated health professionals to obtain informed consent from the person, or if they are incapable, from their substitute decision-maker, prior to treatment, unless it is an emergency.

Safety, Security & Legal Matters for the Elderly in Manitoba

Knowing about the resources and tools available to plan for emergencies, recognize signs of elder abuse, or take care of financial and legal matters can help improve your personal safety and quality of life, as well as help those around you.

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that gradually impairs memory, cognitive abilities, and the capacity to perform simple tasks.

Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA)

CNPEA builds awareness, support and capacity for a coordinated pan-Canadian approach to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect.

QC - Understanding the Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy: Power of Attorney

An incapacity mandate is a legal document that gives someone else (the mandatary) the power to make decisions about your property and personal care if you (the mandatory) become mentally incapable.

ON - Legal Issues and Costs Associated with Becoming a Custodial Grandparent

Taking custody of your grandchildren can be complicated. Custodial grandparents do not have automatic rights to legal help when seeking custody of their grandchildren.

BC - Understanding the Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy: Power of Attorney

POA is a legal document that lets you give authority to another person to make financial and legal decisions for you.

ON - Understanding the Legal Dimensions of Financial Literacy: Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives another person the power, or right, to make decisions for you. The person you authorize to make decisions for you is called the attorney.

Lynn McDonald - NICE Scientific Director

The research agenda was made possible by the generous support of National and International grant funding, obtained and directed by Dr. Lynn McDonald, NICE Scientific Director, and the dedicated members of the NICE research community.

BC Income Tax and Tax Credits for Seniors

The B.C. Government offers information for seniors on Income Tax and Tax Credits.

New Brunswick Caregivers Guide

Are you a caregiver looking for information about programs and services? Read a PDF version of the Caregivers’ Guide or get a copy of the Caregivers’ Guide mailed to you

Medical Assistance in Dying - MAID - New Brunswick

Medical assistance in dying occurs when a physician or nurse practitioner provides or administers medication that intentionally brings about the patient's death, at the request of the patient.

Medical Assistance in Dying - MAID - Saskatchewan

A citizen of Saskatchewan seeking MAID must provide informed, expressed, written, and voluntary consent to the termination of life. Informed consent means that a patient understands the risks, alternatives and consequences of a health care decision. It also means the patient has had all their questions sufficiently answered.

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