Chart - Most Canadian seniors still live at home

In 2016, 93% of Canadian seniors were living in private households, while 7% were living in collective dwellings

Chart - Most Canadian seniors still live at home
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  • Government supports long term care with federal funding through the Canada Health Transfer to provinces and territories and COVID-19 funding, including:
    • $1 billion through the Safe Long-Term Care Fund in 2021 to 2022, and
    • $3 billion to provinces and territories ensuring better standards of care
  • Approximately 200,000 adults live in long-term care, with a large majority being seniors. In 2019, provinces and territories spent 21 billion dollars on long-term care.

Source: Statistics Canada.

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  • Government supports long term care with federal funding through the Canada Health Transfer to provinces and territories and COVID-19 funding, including:
    • $1 billion through the Safe Long-Term Care Fund in 2021 to 2022, and
    • $3 billion to provinces and territories ensuring better standards of care
  • Approximately 200,000 adults live in long-term care, with a large majority being seniors. In 2019, provinces and territories spent 21 billion dollars on long-term care.

Source: Statistics Canada.

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